The Subject Matter Transforms Itself

Photographs by Beatriz Escobar
Interview via email, September 2014

In the simplest of terms, photography is the recording of light on a light sensitive surface. That's it. Most people use a black box and a sensor, recording digitally or on a film, but Beatriz Escobar's lumen prints take us back to the basics.

"The images presented in this series result from placing selected objects on photographic paper and exposing to UV light, in this case, the sun."

Select images from this series, From the Soil and the Sun, will be up through the month of September at Little Bee Baking. One piece is also being shown, in a group show, "Alternate Realities: Mixed Media Photography Experiments from CCSF," co-curated by Beatriz, at the Modern Times Bookstore Collective until October 31st.